Tag Archive for: juniper
In creating our products, we want to keep close to the traditional concept of gin so many of the botanicals we use are also characteristic notes found in gin. Take for example the Common Juniper, Juniperus communis which must be the predominant botanical note present to legally call a spirit a gin. In fact, the word Gin derives from the respective French and Dutch words “genièvre” and “jenever” which literally mean juniper. Juniperus communis is one of about 70 species of coniferous trees and shrubs that are members of the Cypress or Cupressaceae family whose geographical range extends from Canada and Northern USA, throughout Europe to Northern Asia and Japan.
It was once widespread in the United Kingdom but is now more concentrated in the Scottish Highlands. The fruit-like seed cones, more commonly termed berries have a long history of use by man. Records show that they were used over 3500 years ago in Egypt to treat tapeworm infections. The Romans also used them to treat a variety of conditions including stomach ailments and the great medical herbalist Culpepper mentioned their use as a remedy for flatulence. The ancient Greeks even used the berries as they believed it enhanced the stamina of athletes.
These fleshy fruit like female seed cones are the part used to flavour gin. These so-called berries contain essential oils such as α-pinene, sabinene, limonene, farnesene and borneol which impart a distinctive piney resinous and citrusy like note.
Due to its close association with traditional gin Juniper is generally the base note in many of our products.
We include a range of other botanical ingredients in our products which we would like to keep close to our chests. These are for you to discover and enjoy.